Mercury as a tracer of environmental changeWe use mercury as a tracer to better understand changes to food web structure, environmental conditions, aquatic-terrestrial linkages, and landuse. Learn more about specific projects here (forthcoming).
Learn more about our NSF funded work using mercury as a tracer of hypoxia here. |
Bioavailability and effects of emerging contaminantsContaminants of emerging concern (CEC) include chemicals that are widely present in the environment at low concentrations, but of which we know little with respect to their toxicity and potential implications for wildlife and human health. Research in this area is critical given the thousands of synthetic CEC pollutants that are now ubiquitous in the environment. Learn more about specific projects here (forthcoming).
Drivers of freshwater harmful algal bloomsFreshwater cyanobacteria harmful algal blooms (HABs) are one of the most pressing problems facing freshwaters locally and globally. Understanding how nutrients and other stressors impact their frequency is a critical management need. Learn more about specific projects here (forthcoming).